Miguel Ribeiro and Joana Silva, final-year students of the Integrated Master in Environmental and Chemical Engineering, respectively, finished and presented their MSc thesis in the framework of Power2Methane project:
• Miguel Ribeiro: Avaliação técnica e económica da biometanização de biogás em ETAR, 2021
• Joana Silva: Techno-economic analysis of wastewater treatment plant biogas methanation, 2021
Bárbara Martins and Igor Iwakiri, our final-year students of the Integrated Master in Chemical Engineering at FEUP, finished and presented their MSc thesis in the framework of Power2Methane project:
• Bárbara Martins: Study of an adsorptive reactor for CO2 methanation, 2020
• Igor Iwakiri: Use of membrane reactors for CO2 hydrogenation reactions, 2020
On the 5th of June of 2020, the 1st Power2Methane Webinar, entitled CO2 capture and utilization: insights from academia and industry, was held. The event featured academia/research and industrial speakers in fields related to CO2 capture and/or utilization and was attended by over 170 participants from all over the world. Additional information about the event (program, flyer, speakers’ bio and visual support for the presentations) can be found at 1st P2M Webinar.
Power2Methane team members are editing a Special Issue at Catalysts journal (IF: 3.444) entitled “Novel Materials and Reactor Concepts for CO2 conversion into Methane, Methanol and DME“. Submission of manuscripts covering the following topics are encouraged: Catalyst development, screening, and deactivation tests; Development of non-conventional catalysts (e.g., dual-function materials, structured catalysts, etc.); Multifunctional reactor concepts (e.g., membrane, sorption-enhanced, etc.); Determination of reaction kinetics and mechanisms; Modeling (lab, pilot, and industrial scale reactors and phenomena at a particle scale). Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2020 | More information: http://mdpi.com/si/37966
In November 2018, our researcher Catarina Faria went on mobility to the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the University of Salamanca for a 1-month internship under the supervision of Prof. Vicente Rives and Prof. Raquel Trujillano to synthesize and characterize hydrotalcite-based materials for CO2 capture and conversion.